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Time never stands still. You are either moving closer to or away from being a whole, complete, healthy person. If you are stuck, recovering from a setback, or longing for a step-up, taking action on these five paths directs you forward. You can grow the capacity and build the confidence to create a good life – the one designed uniquely for you.

Cute Notebooks


5 Paths to a Good Life Model

Full Assessment

If/Then Worksheet

My Lifeline

Want/Don't Want

What’s the roadmap to a good life? How can I experience fulfillment, freedom, and joy? Here’s the overview of the mindsets, skills, and habits that will point and keep you in the right direction.

Complete this assessment for a snapshot of your location on each of the 5 Paths to a Good Life. Discover where life is going well and where there are opportunities for growth.

Uncertainty goes hand-in-hand with change and moving forward in life requires facing risk. If fear of the unknown holds you back from taking your next step, use this worksheet to gain a sense of control and freedom.

Zoom in on the experiences, decisions, and relationships that shape you. Zoom out to appreciate how the past strengthens you for today, prepares you for tomorrow. Draw your lifeline to create a future that makes the most of every minute of your life.

Getting clear about both WHAT you want and WHO you want to be is key to a good life. Use these worksheets to brainstorm what's important to you and what you're aiming for.

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